Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Friday morning we met with Dr. Mahajan, the radiation doctor. She asked Karly multiple questions and looked at her skin where she received the radiation. Dr. Mahajan asked Karly, "did I even do anything to you?" :) She was very pleased with how Karly was feeling and how well her skin had healed following radiation. We did discuss with her the nausea Karly was still experiencing and we all believe it was the LARGE doses of antibiotics she was taking. Thankfully, Karly's blood work was great and she no longer has to take the Bactrim.
We arrived back home about 7pm Friday evening and we were greeted by a wonderful West Texas sandstorm! We also found a new washing machine that the washer fairies brought! My mom had her cleaning lady come clean while we were gone and the motor went out on my washer and flooded my kitchen. Thank God for the wonderful family and friends we have that took care of the mess for us!
Karly returned to school yesterday for the first time in almost a year. She had a great day and really enjoyed getting to see all of her friends. Her home bound teacher, Mrs. Lavender, and Karly had worked so hard that Karly was either ahead or caught up in ALL her classes. A BIG “thank you” to Mrs. Lavender.
Karly will return to Houston in June for scans and doctors visits.

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