Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Hero

One year ago today, Karly had an MRI performed and our lives changed forever.

Today, our lives have been changed again. Our mentor, our friend, our hero, Keaton Lee lost his battle with Osteosarcoma. There are no words to express the mixture of emotions I am feeling this morning.

I will share the news with Karly when she is out of school for the day. Keaton was such a blessing to us through Karly's battle with cancer.

I ask for prayers for Keaton's family and friends. Keaton's mom, Karen, has devoted every second of her life for the past 2+ years to fighting for her son; please remember her in your prayers.

Safely Home

I am home in Heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.

All the pain and suffering is over
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh! but Jesus' love illumined
Every dark and fearful glade.

And he came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread
And with Jesus' arm to lean on
Could I have one doubt or dread?

Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For I love you dearly still:
Try to look beyond earth's shadows,
Pray to trust our Father's will.

There is still work waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth-
You shall rest in Jesus' land.

When that work is completed,
He will gently call you home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting,
Oh, the joy to see you come!

- Unknown author

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