It is with a heavy heart that I write tonight. Karly is doing just fine with her current chemo cycle, but is mourning the loss of a friend here at MDACC. Beautiful Zoe lost her battle with Leukemia and passed on from this world. Karly met Zoe at the hospital school. The day before Zoe went in ICU, Zoe and Karly were asking all the nurses who their celebrity crush was. Both girls received a blood transfusion that day, they were across the hall from each other and waved at each other from their beds every time the doors opened. Zoe was definitely "a ray of sunshine." She had been here 2 years, had 2 failed bone marrow transplants and was waiting on a donor. The clinic Monday had a solemn mood, she had touched so many lives.
September is childhood Cancer Awareness month.
Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among U.S. children between infancy and age 15.The impact of childhood cancer on our nation is staggering:
*1 child out of 5 who is diagnosed with cancer dies;
*3 out of 5 children suffer from long-term or late side effects;
*Every school day, 46 young people, or two classrooms of students, are diagnosed with cancer in this country;
*There are now more than 270,000 childhood cancer survivors in the United States, and this number is growing rapidly.
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